Thank you for posting this well written thank you post regarding my research into MMTE, William Lieberman, and all the gang or group William hangs with. I wish more would post here, and bring what they know as well. For me, the whole situation with MMTE and William was a cycle. I too believed. However, when William lied to me about the M&A Advisors lawsuit, or the Overcash lawsuit as many like to call it, I woke up. What bothered me so much about William's lies, was that they were not necessary. All people make mistakes. But everything he told me about this lawsuit was a complete and utter bold faced lie, and he had me post publicly that such for him in an effort to convince others. The fact that he used me in his plan to con others was simply unforgiveable.
The fact is, had William simply told me he made a mistake when he took over MMTE, and ended of borrowing money from the wrong kind of people, I would have continued to support him. However, I am not certain he could have explained to me his reasoning for not just paying Overcash his $40,000 and then being done with him.