Very true-Zhao,Pres of Bao Brazil, is also reputedly their worldwide procurement manager specialist- and he has visited many times,including personally supervising the drilling,as we have seen from the pics. The Chinese have no doubt done a lot of dd-possibly more than any of us-which is saying a lot.
They no doubt work long hours also-I know the CWRN mine/concessions are not a worldwide hot spot for Chinese vacationers.
Bob et al also no doubt work long hours-thats what it takes to make a very rare successful jr miner-
which is suppose to be the lodestar of pennystocks were it not for the perfect storms of pennystock manipulation/murphys law we've seen executed by otc/dtc/mm's/brokers/shorters/and other political entities targeting pennies, since they cant do anything about the rampant market fraud at every level re the named and other entities,including the fraud in blue chips.