I'm pretty sure he isn't selling. I think he is just done with this board.
BTW do you guys think we could afford a drilling rig. We are broke. We can't even sell shares anymore to afford a drilling rig. A reliable and effective rig is in the ball park of 75 to 80 grand a day. We are bottom of the barrel right now. We have to rely on a company that btw doesn't have a rig running any where in the US, and can't make it. I heard a month ago that the rig left Oklahoma. Nobody is going to sell their shares and Treaty has us right where they want us. All we can do is wait. But lets not get on here and act happy with our investment. We can be understanding but don't for one minute let Treaty think we are happy. We have 2 guys in West Texas pushing spools. Both have been linked to fraud. Oh yes Treaty please keep moving in this direction. Give us a break. If you are happy than you must not have a lot on the line.