Thanks Illest, cheers. I could not agree more with the points in your post. I think you hit the nail right on the head with that post. Fear is the path to the dark side and it is quite clear that many out there of whom have played the MMs rigged game in the highly manipulated OTC and PK market and have lost for years wind up sad pathetic souls filled with fear and cynicism. There is a big difference merely being a frustrated loyal long complaining about management not performing as well as they could versus pounding the table 24/7/365 every single day of their lives about how allegedly 99.9% of pinks are scams to line management's pockets with illicit gains from unsuspecting OTC investors, and/or, daily bashing and slandering the company executives by claiming they knowingly steal investor monies with no intention of running a real business but to instead scam along with their financiers to rip N rob capital from gullible longs or those without the so called proper "DD support". The issue with much of their preposterous "DD" is that all of it is self-referencing and the bubble of self-proclaimed "DD support" "gurus" seem to be hypnotized into a trance that somehow if they follow the consensus chanting it must mean their "DD" is true. Really it's just a big daisy chain bubble of delusional self-proclaimed saviors of whom would like us to believe they post on boards as a full time job out of the goodness of their own hearts. What a laugh. They do what they do because they are in it to make MONEY. They make money by grouping together in bands of pirate gangs who seek to manipulate sentiment as well as having a hand in manipulating the micro cap stocks they bash day in day out. What happens is they flip in and out initially when they first get started in the market, they lose most of their capital quickly and then they wonder what happened and how it was that the system abused them so badly. At that juncture there are basically two paths people take emotionally and psychologically. Either they learn to think that it was all done to them by the corrupt scamsters running the micro cap fraud companies OR that the market manipulators pump and dumping the stocks (sometimes with management having no idea what is happening to their stock, etc) are systematically stealing all of their capital by using tricks of the trade which the SEC/FINRA does not bother to enforce against down in the micro cap scum swamp. In reality, BOTH of these situations occur! Though very rarely they happen concurently, typically the scam is one or the other; either the company is a dilution scam (there have been many in the OTC/PK in history) OR it is a shady group of market manipulators working the stock for their own purposes scamming investors money by dirty trickery (most of which has the nod of approval by the crony regulators). The problem is as you describe, one must correctly filter the various companies and stock plays and recognize what is legit, what is a scam and out of the scams, which are because of crony management (no product, no revenues, etc) and what is caused by market manipulation (while management continues to struggle with a development company, etc). One cannot also discount the sheer dark side of some who merely want to laugh at others pain. Perhaps they are the owner of competing business or they are ones who lost a lot in the stock and even though they never will play the stock again they want everyone else to lose money as well just so they can feel a little better about their own pathetic existence.
I agree that the volume on an absolute basis is actually very low. Many of the other MMJ stocks trade in the hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars (intraday). So IMO $33,000 or $50,000 or whatever (sometimes much lower) is simply not very much capital trading the stock. Sure there is liquidity should someone desire to get in or out in a hurry (at any time) but I seriously doubt this belief that there is hardly anyone on the sidelines. I think as you do that MOST interested in RFMK are on the sidelines. If you look at the chart, it makes sense to some degree, because most who follow the story typically do not wish to hold the stock for long periods of time so they stay away until they think the stock is gaining momentum (technically) or otherwise getting "hot". I believe that for RFMK, it's "hotness" factor has not even yet begun. If and when RFMK gets "hot", it could easily skyrocket on millions of dollars trading intraday with a PPS into the stratosphere. Just my opinions of course, though I have seen it happen many times before in the land of penny stocks.