Here is something to consider. The forwarding number 855 584 6722 is the number given if you call the old Farmington number 479 267 6000. When the forwarding number is called it is said to be disconnected. Now the number given today by Springdale's city clerk is 479 750 2088. No one as of yet picks up at that number and there is no message to be left at that number (as one might expect so that the business could return your call). I called the city clerk back to check that I had written down the correct number as a mistake could have been made, partly because no one picked up and partly because a reverse search does not come back as being listed to HTI. The city clerk said that HTI's license had been renewed but the information on the form may not have been current, that it is the responsibility of the company to keep that current. Well, good luck with putting those words and concepts into a sentence with the current CEO.
At this point the "if" seems to be becoming bigger...