After the board I made both got removed within 24hrs. I pleaded to ihub admin to restore at least the second one greenmeds was number 6 on the top 10 most active boards. all the admin mostly dave deleted it and even shelly admin responded. I explained that it was mmj news and talk. And that numerous sites have tickers streamed that haev their own boards. And I stated it was not just skto tickers being discussed on the board and they of course said you want to talk about skto go on the skto board.
I will be asking my millionaire aunt to help me I am making a business plan and will be bringing up my own investor/stock website/board site. I will hire programmers web designers. Ihub's app on the phone is flaky locks up. And the admin and the board mods are crooks. I pay for this service and they pull this bs and take down a board for no reason. It may take some time but the new investor site/board is on its way. This thing like I said is old school graphs look like 1980's along with the website design so old. I will make a new crisp one that is 2013 and better app. Also free to start. I will charge later. Not to mention ihub is owned by a holding company that is not eben in the US. ITs british lol. And these admin or skto mods come on there they will not be allowed. I will keep my deleted posts and pleads to admin to help me and restore my board as proof. Freaks lol. OK sorry had to get that out lol