I'm sure you would! Man they still talk about it, But like investors did, jumped the gun on want! Even then I believe was misquoted! Yes they are in the airports but things take time, it is proven, they are in airports even 10 by EOY. But here when your new, it is easy to jump the gun! BUT NOW ALL KNOW!, but what happen after that and did it happen! it did!, steve dream was media! jOSEPH IS HELPING OTHERS ON TOP OF TV. He is a down to earth guy! He wants to help for better of life for all! Believe steve the same way! The tv station is REAL,
I have seen the proof, and seen the affiliates websites saying PUNCH is on air waves there, several of them! Plus found the satellite part with Joseph name next to it, but through another website, and have problems by advertiser and Norton blockings since the, that was from a tv dealer site near Denver! A month or two later,
got notified cause maybe relays in motels, they were trying to hack! Well my security is the strongest it has ever been by Norton and e-mail, my banks have own enscriptions along with brokers! But trust me PNCH IS a WINNER if INVESTORS help them get there!
After all there products are real, not bunk or junk like some mining companies! Like steve said, grow with us! Why they and we are building value for each others! You own the corporation partly! It is REAL product!
And IMO, PNCH can be bought out by a Major Corporation! I sent steve the request to some sort of poison control set up! GLTA!