Shamus, It was, by far, the best spoof I have seen in a long, long time. When i first started looking at the posts from last night, I said to myself, OH, NO, hear we go. Since I am gramps asst., I have the ability to delete posts, and I gotta tell ya, my hand was on the throttle, just itching to finally get back at him for what he did to us on the other board. I was so ready to hit the DELETE, but fortunately, I read on, and saw that is was just a spoof. So, you not only got gramps,you managed to walk me directly to the vodka bottle and have another martini. THAT WAS A GREAT SPOOF,and during these very trying times with THRA, a good laugh is just what the doctor ordered. THRA will succeed in its endeavors, and we will all be laughling and enjoying our new found wealth, shortly.But until then, thanks for lightening things up, and letting me have a good laugh. And, oh, by the way, I have put my delete finger back away. NO NEED FOR IT. Thanks again, Gregg