No offense to Bull, but this situation with him reporting back just keeps getting weirder and weirder and shadier and shadier to me. I'll reiterate that I am a long of almost 3 years and bought right around this price back then, but I've never heard of a company actually place faith in a regular, commonfolk shareholder like Treaty seems to be doing without reimbursing him in some manner. I don't necessarily want to call Bull a pumper, but seriously...just sit back and think about it for a second...doesn't the whole situation just sound BIZARRE to you? We're getting updates from an everday, just-like-you-and-me shareholder who is apparently doing real, manual labor for the company at no cost instead of from the company itself. I guess it doesn't make sense for me to air my grievances publicly, so I might give the company a call to discuss the situation. Sounds SO SO SO bizarre, especially when you consider Bull's role in the Belize debacle last year. Again, Bull, not an attack on your character, but just sitting back and reflecting on how strange and unbelievable this situation is from afar. Go TECO.