I dont think CWRN could move forward on uplisting while the sec action was open and active- plus CWRN was so deeply targeted they may have felt that even posting of financials would be rocking the boat and or seen as a promotion/inducement to buy-that was my feeling
but now that sec action has been officially closed-and theres no injunction against CWRN uplisting (and there couldnt be because sec didnt ask for such in their prayers-an official legal term denoting what plaintiffis are asking for) CWRN would be free to uplist
I think suits w Geo have also had a chilling effect on CWRN releasing info including financials- legal depts are conservative -thats their trademark-perfect mr murphy timing-as soon as an NDA w Bao would expire via 4-13-12 and 6-25-12 PR's the sec/doj complaints began 6-4-12 and geo suit 7-12 and CWRN knew the JVA was over as of Aug 2011-
financials are subject to discovery in Geo suit-but as I said legal depts are extremely conservative (as anybody can see re the ridiculous exhaustive disclaimers on every product) because its their duty to PROTECT their client (not the stock holders), just as it is a doctors duty to "first do no harm"-and CWRN doesnt know full financials- see below
I think legal dept is being too cautious re PR's but remember Bob got 6 months (in apparent violation of the plea deal and protocol) plus probation for no shares issued no gain promo which was not designed to defraud but to raise money to begin operations-so when the legal dept sees things that have no logical explanation the natural tendency is to hunker down/be even more cautious
-I've seen these things my entire life since I grew up by birth in 1 of the cults that control the legal system and I have seen those cults manipulate the system and target good people my entire life but this is CWRN's FIRST experience being targeted by a cult ()
=and people are so deaf dumb blind mute and in denial re the existence of these things that when they confront them they are dumbfounded/ paralzyed by the shock and awe tactics of the cults as coordinated by the puppetmaster- as has happened to CWRN specifically and the low priced pennies in general in the last 3 years-my entire life I've seen this as people confronted by these cults are amazed and always say (when they get their breath back) "I've NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE-you've made a believer out of me re the craft" many attorneys have said that to me as I opened their eyes to the cult manipulation of their cases as the cults hypnotize the judges to give them everything they ask for
I've seen this in every hearing where the cults have an interest
ALSO NOTE- SOMETHING PEOPLE ARE MISSING FROM CWRN'S SUIT AGST GEO= Geo was their JVA accounting partner in charge of many of their accounting functions and would not allegedly release accounting info to CWRN and so allegedly co-mingled the funds etc that CWRN doesnt know what the correct financials ARE and wont until such is decided in court in CWRN suit against Geo June 7 -I had wondered about this possibility before seeing CWRNs suit
so if CWRN filed it would have to be a provisional wild GUESSING GAME (which is a no no in accounting circles) pending suit discovery/settlement and then CWRN would have to restate financials and might be pursued by SEC for having posted such erroneous conditional financials in the 1st place
so CWRN wont know what financials ARE until judge decides what they are in CWRNs complaint agst GEO -which is less than 2 months away-so if CWRN gets on the ball and does everything else they can do re uplisting they could satisfy requirements to uplist this summer