I dont know how this is going to play out. Why wouldn't a company offer us 500 million or so and just buy us out completely? I mean that is nothing to a Pfizer, Merck, etc. The plan all along was to partner for Phase 3 trials, and I'm not sure if this has changed. If Novel is going to take awhile to sell, I think a partner is probably still the way to go for obvious reasons due to lack of our own $. AND I think going with a partner is still the way to go. Partnering with a billion dollar company offers you security and peace of mind that you won't get if we go alone...a company of Elite's size. I know some have said they want Elite to get 100% of the profits...but seriously if the revenues from eli 216 are in the billion dollar range + eventually...that will give us a valuation of $10+/per share if not $50+. So I'm not buying that. I will take half of a billion dollars /year or whatever you want to give ELI 216's worth.
I will say if Elite doesn't get bought out or a partner isn't announced in some shape or form this year, I will start to question some things IF by then management still hasn't sold our 10% in Novel and hasn't started Phase 3. We need to get this show on the road one way or another, either by a partner or Novel.
All I know is I 2013 should be a fun year.