There have been plenty of negative opinions expressed on this board that weren’t deleted. Its the personal attacks that are unwelcome.
It is all in the manner the info is presented.
On your latest post you say “stretching the truth”. That post is still there.
There is a huge difference between saying “stretching the truth” and “Steve is a habitual liar who wouldn’t know the truth if his life depended on it”. You said stuff like that over & over & over.
The first is a negative opinion. The 2nd is a false statement & a personal attack.
Feel free to point out facts that bother you. But don’t make them personal insults.
How many CEOs of successful companies have failed to follow through on some promises? Or embellished the truth? I’d say 90% +. Would you call them all habitual liars?
Finally: I believe that Steve is going to make you, me & others here a bunch of money. Thats a good thing.
So...enough on this subject. Lets put this to rest, move on & enjoy the ride.