Ha, kind of true.
Good posts definitely get deleted over there.
Here, negative posts can stay as long as they are 1) not repeated ad nauseum or 2) uncivil -- define that as you will or 3) use foul language.
Mods don't ban people; admins do. Mods can delete posts - though personally, I don't do much (or any) of that. I like banter. I like a good pro/con conversation. I don't like in-your-face-message board confrontation. I think it's unnecessary and a waste of time.
Everyone is welcome to state his/her opinion. If you don't call it such, others will call it such for you. EVERYONE likes facts and true DD.
I think a post - good or bad - has a way better chance of standing here, than there.
If someone's posts were deleted, I am sure an admin had his reasons. Some follow the rules better than others. You guys know my personal philosophy of message board rules -- like a pirate! (really, more like guidelines!) Good thing they didn't make me take a test to be a mod!!! LOL