the way the drill works .. in the cesspool .. is *most* can usually be conditioned by rote to sell
the key re: JBI (the co.) wasn't just P2O >> it was the fact that many of the early investors (not talking recent pipers) never deposited their certs in any brokerage firm to be accessed .by the usual entities (and being a cash acct is irrelevant .. they all collude .. particularly when it comes to *OTC* co.s) .. that is what i refer to re: 30 minutes of basic DD done back in May 2010 .. would have saved this *entity*
instead they did what they always do (and let's be very clear here >> success rate re: KILL RATIO does run upwards of 95 percent) first they bring in new *talking points* >> as in first hit piece authored
that will scare some based on who it is .. (to say nothing of protected status elsewhere)
then when that failed >> the previously non disclosed (by the sec) letter of 9.28.10 (which i've asked repeatedly of those who can't find one *positive* about JBI/P2O to find a comp to) .. i've never seen anything like it myself .. and i'm totally aware of exactly how much money is in the cesspool 3 years on
so now .. JBI investors/shareholders have the sec and court's official sign off .. we have proc 3 about to be fully operational .. and we have fuel sold to X clients with no returns .. with the clock/calendar ticking down and prox 4 & 5 location TBD .. and new hires (harris group) advising mgmt
expect additional *angst* and yep .. a sense of humor is a must