Steve, Boca, April 18th?
Wondering if you're aware of the dinner-meetings being presented by a TA, Pacific Stock Transfer Company, in various cities around the country. Apparently this is an effort by a PO'd TA and various small-cap execs to understand what's going on with the DTC Chills and other microcap issues. So far, Miami, Dallas, Beverly Hills, maybe others. I realize this is just a few days after the shareholders' meeting, but maybe a knowledgeable friend, ideally a securities lawyer, could be a fly on the wall and take notes (?) Not suggesting you switch transfer agents. The meetings seem like a serious effort to deal with some systemic problems. Email below. Who knows; maybe some good fish.
Good afternoon!
Please join us for dinner on April 18th in Boca Raton, FL to discuss the current small cap market environment and challenges facing emerging public companies. We will be joined at dinner by leading attorneys, accountants and other experts who will discuss current issues involving the small cap market. This is an opportunity to meet executives of other emerging public companies and the professionals who serve their needs as well as hear insights regarding many of the significant changes that are taking place in today's markets. We look forward to you joining us for diner and are including the details below:
Thursday, April 18th at 7:00 PM
City Fish Market
7940 Glades Rd.
Boca Raton, FL
For more information or to RSVP, please call us at (571)485-9999 or visit
I look forward to seeing you there!
Allison Owen
Client Relationship Manager
EDGAR Services Manager