I have a huge problem with some of you people talking about PNCH like it was a blue chip company or even a german DAX company! With this companies you can predict what could happen in 1-2 years. But even there 50-60% of the predictions are wrong!
So how can you do this with a OTCBB company? Best example is GOIG and countless other's!
I think not many here are interested what will happen in 1-2 years...i would be happy to have a good next 1-2 months with good 10k, SH meeting and Q1 and growing PPS.
How can you even think about the next 1-2 years? This is what 99% of all OTCBB traders and even longer time investors don't like to hear and scare them away from buying this stock!
The OTCBB is a very fast market and even 1-2 weeks here are a "long time" for most! How can you talk about the next 1-2 years?
Maybe PNCH will be at no bid then like GOIG or doesn't exist anymore!!!
Keep it real!!!
Let's concentrate on the next 1-2 months and support our stock and help to take it back to .05++!!!
Go PNCH!!!