Good post. Well thought-out. Are you an attorney? You present your arguments very logically and laid out like that of an attorney.
I totally see the point you're making. Perhaps I've read Steve incorrectly. However, when I've heard someone cry wolf enough times in a row, I start to call bs. But you might be right...perhaps he's telling the truth and simply saying things that he "expects" to come true in an effort to pump, but those things end up not happening??? I guess we could flip a coin to see which one is correct. My gut tells me he has some trouble telling the truth as evidenced by his past.
So maybe the best thing Steve could do to keep people like me (and others) from feeling this way is to keep his mouth shut and stop telling us things are happening that never really happen. Maybe he should hire a PR person to take care of this, then it would be a much better situation?? Do you agree or disagree?