Mayhem72ss, I found the message board with Jeagerboy's post. I am shocked he is posting this information for all to see. Jeagerboy attacked me often for post the truth about MMTE and the CEO.
This paragraph was attached to the last press release on that board:
Get the Facts Right. The issuer works hard to continue to keep our shareholders informed, and news is updated frequently via Press Releases, Pink Sheet filings, and updates to our websites. Other websites not sponsored, or recognized by the Company may provide misleading or disinformation to investors in order to manipulate trading patterns for a given stock. Always look for original content from trusted sources, rather than relying on 'excerpts' or discussion boards that may not give you the whole story. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires financial institutions or brokerage firms to provide their clients with documentation, describing the risks of investing in penny stocks.
I find the above paragraph very interesting. Apparently, William and his friends have found that investors are aware of who they are, and what kind of crooks they are. May they reap the whirlwind for all the harm they have caused to so many.