I was given a big hint when a Fidelity broker called me up and wanted to see if I wanted to rent out my shares. Right there I knew there was going to be a short attack, but I didn't sell any till after the attack and tpps was under $2.00.
My thought at the time was the stock had a lot going for it and with all the good news that was lined up 'right around the corner' it was going to bounce right back and surpass the ATH.
So now, I look and see that those updates were not coming are I had expected, and the PR's that were posted didn't do anything to move the pps north. Unless something is done soon, I feel we will be testing $1.51 next week. Should that get penetrated....Look out below. A lot depends what the climate is in the general market next week. -JMO-
BTW, where's TOB ?