How is it a fake government pump of the housing market?
You mean besides the bank bailouts, the Fannie and Freddie bailouts, the open lending spigot at the FHA, fueled by Bernake's low to no interest rate and continuous printing of money policies, the Federal Reserve authorized re-purchase of mortgage securities (you know, the CDOs (derivatives) that caused the 2008 financial crisis in the first place), the current push to further lower credit standards via the CRA, the various home buyers credits (first time home owner, move-up credit, veterans, etc.), the federally-funded loan modification program, the incentives offered to institutional buyers of housing in the form of artificially low prices and rates...
I'm sorry, what was your question again?
It's just an opinion, of course. Like my opinion yesterday afternoon to buy AMBS, sensing a nice run up. Certainly other non-government companies can be pumped too -- just not as emphatically and systematically.