That makes 2 of us. I just know if i tried to trade any of my CTIX position, with my luck it would take off like a rocket with unanticipated news right after I got out and I'd hate myself for it. SO I keep it simple, keep it locked up tight.
I also didn't sell a share to move over to CLSN when the big money was moving over there right before the big HEAT announcement, with all the hype surrounding that. It was tempting. I think there were several that got burned pretty hard from that, thinking they could trade and bank a quick double on CLSN and hop right back into CTIX with a larger position. Didn't quite work out that way.
I'll stick to my boring and potentially not as profitable as a trader long term hold strategy!
Good luck to the saavy traders though, certainly some big chunks of money to be made there.