It goes without saying that we would all love to hear some positive P21 data, but I have to agree with the majority of the level headed people; DF is not going to rush procedures and issue premature results just for the sake of impatient investors. With the potential impact to the world of oncology I dont see anything in this trial that is going to be rushed. In order to keep credibility of the research institution in they will insure the validity of their data multiple times over before they start making any sort of announcments.
I want, and will be happy with, a PR containing some cohort 4 information, dates for the leukemia trial, and most of all; a start date for Prurisol! I cant wait to see Prurisol kick ass and blow all the competeing drugs out of the water.
Still, its not a bad decision on Leo's part to do some fishing and put a little bit of marketing out there while Coach B is in the national spotlight for a little while.