I won't disagree with you. It doesn't serve any purpose. But in my opinion it isn't bashing. If you want to eliminate posts because they fail to provide value to the board then that is the prerogative of the moderators, but to call it bashing in my opinion is incorrect. In response to a message that was deleted by Hot Penguin: Personally I don't think Sparks was pumping. I think his predictions were reasonable based on something occurring to sales. I don't remember him ever predicting the PPS to go over .05 in the short term, and he always cautioned people to invest at their own risk. There were others who made much bolder predictions and I always felt those were somewhat unrealistic in the time frame they were predicting them for.
Personally I feel more confident about HLNT now than I did a year ago. I have increased my stake by 25% in the past month never thinking that the PPS would drop down to these levels again. I hope I am right in thinking that it is just a matter of time before good things start to develop from the organization that I sense is being built. I have no idea if this is wishful thinking or not but I see this technology poised to break into the mainstream and bring success to HLNT and to all those involved with it, including all of us on this board.
To all those frustrated long term holders 'I feel your pain" and I hope we see the light of day soon.