One way to view the situation right now is that we are merely a small group of children running about in a futbol stadium housing tens of thousands of unoccupied seats. We play hide and seek, setting a seat down, running elsewhere and pushing another seat down. Our teammates follow us around flipping seats up and down to confuse the other team, all the while some of us sit on the sidelines looking overhead at the dynamics of the few seats flipping up and down and ponder the underlying meaning of that "action" but really it is meaningless because the stadium is empty and it remains days/weeks/who knows how long until the game starts and the seats really get occupied. All the children can do is try to psyche out the opposing teammates, there cannot really be enough seat flipping to actually change anything because there are so few players versus total raw seats in the stadium. Some would like to use patterns and "technical" analysis to predict future seat flipping but its just a total joke right now because the few children having fun running around like chickens with their heads cut off are just creating a stir for no reason other that to have some fun while they wait for the big game to begin. None of the little children can possibly know how many adults may arrive at the big game, or how many seats could flip down and up, up and down throughout the duration of the game; it is the big mystery yet it seems there are some out there of whom will declare definitively that they know the game will never commence and even the children will lose interest and leave the stadium, which will turn into a ruin for the ages. I do not share such a prediction. I happen to think it is impossible to know the future so none of us can have any idea of the scope of interest there could ever be in RFMK stock. It very easily could become the next big penny stock play and go parabolic. Am I a company shill pumper for sharing such heresy? I think not, just a sober long viewing the possibilities from afar.