I seriously doubt any of the members from the iScum basher crew have any good penny stock plays for you to invest in. Their mantra is, "ride the pump and dump", all the while being of the opinion that the very stock they "ride" is a dilution scam. They believe 99.8% of pinks are dilution scams to "enrich" insiders and of the 0.2% leftover, they would never suggest to get into those because the fact is they themselves are likely prepping those for their own pump and dump operations via the iScam and foreign market manipulators. They don't want us longs meddling in their pump and dump plays they are in the process of manipulating. It's all too clear to some of us of whom have dealt with their kind many times in the past. They seem to get testy when they are away from their home base and do not have the cover of the swarm to protect their tactics. We too can give them the "boot" in one way or another. They are to be ignored, they offer nothing but their promises that they only post 24/7 overtly negative opinions and speculations to offer a service to the naive sheeple to protect them from the scammy executive wolves out of the goodness of their own hearts. It is good to get a chuckle once in a while, that is about all it is worth other than useless drivel.
Do or do not, there is no try.