My Random thoughts ....Increase your odds.
MrGreenPenny. Feb 24 2012
Here is an interesting article I found while writting this post:
Trading Stocks in The Stock Market With The Odds In Your
I'm always concerned that someone will lose their hard earned money because they were influenced in some way by what they see on any my boards.
I mean that genuinely . I do not just say this with a passing thought.
For that matter it bothers me when I personally post a stock somewhere that turns out to be a POS .
Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to pick winners 100% of the time.
Just like it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk the dark streets of L.A. or NYC and not eventually get mugged. I've been there.
Someone might say, "well I live in NYC and I've never been mugged because I stay out of those places where I might get mugged."
Well that's the smart thing to do. But....
By trading stocks, penny stocks especially , you MUST WALK THE DARK SIDE OF TOWN .
No choice in the matter.
Stock Trading in the corrupt stock market is like walking down the dark streets in a bad neighborhood.
Now there are plenty of things that can be done to increase your odds that's for sure. But eventually the odds catch up in one way or another.
One of the main things that pop into my head on this subject is that " IT'S ALL ABOUT INCREASING THE ODDS IN YOUR FAVOR ".
That's one reason why " never over commit " is rule No.1
I'm not sure it's rule No.1 or 2 but it's way way up there for sure.
We love to trade penny stocks. But these are the dark streets.
Gangsta's and Crackheads lurk around every corner. Some of them are CEO's .
Like my friend Vantillian said, "that's why they call this the Wild Wild West of stock trading ". Well said.
Because this is the Penny Stock game we all play.
The only sure thing is that THERE ARE NO SURE THINGS .
I NEVER want anyone to rush out and hit the buy button on a penny stock mentioned on Pretty Girl Picks without doing enough research into all the DD and info that they can find on the stock. Make sure you can find your own reasons to take a chance with your own money$ .
So find...self convicton for your reasons to buy. Not mine or anyone elses.
Make a list of what you consider the TOP TEN TRADERS and Boards here on Investors Hangout . Visit them and watch them every day. Study books,vids, and continue your education in your Stock Trading journey.
A lot more could be said on this subject. I hope others will chime in and make a post. Because that's what I want to see Investors Hangout grow to be.
Let's grow together.
Increase your odds.
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