Good points, agree I do. The standard basher handbook does not work for RFMK because they assume it is like the 99.9% of scammy phony pinkies they are used to playing via "riding the pump and dump" and so the template they have used over time is to bash and trash for as long as possible to try to keep all interested investors away from getting into it until they see for sure they have total control over the stock and can pump and dump it themselves on some sort of company news. Until the time is right their game plan is to spew lies, innuendo, fear, doubt and spin in order to takeover the message boards like a pack of wolves in sheeps clothing, acting like they are the saviors protecting investors from the company scamsters, when really their very own business model is the very corruption they rant about and provide "DD support" for, when really their own activity is a collusion of efforts between them and their little market player manipulators so they can flip for free positions before the big manipulated pop and crash. As you can see though, the effectiveness of their usual gimmicks do not work any longer because real retail long term value investors are wising up to their spin and manipulative BS. It is actually getting quite amusing that the "other" board now is just a wasteland of haters and bashers, about 98% of the posters there are just screaming at each other the same basher nonsense, dilution, scams, etc. Its worthless to average investors looking for real discussion and sharing DD on the company and stock. It's become a circus because of the greed and failure of some to see that taken too far any argument can lose its allure among the public should such an argument be pounded against the table each and every day with no balanced discussion. In short, once all the wolves in sheeps clothing take off their masks and throw a big party around the campfire, it keeps all the other wildlife far far away. They scared all their sheeple away, no creature stirs, not even a mouse, perhaps a rat or two.
"Never engage the same enemy for too long or he will adapt to your tactics." (Clausewitz)
Do or do not, there is no try.