34th: how many times have you criticized Steve Samblis only to have him answer your questions and calm you down?
Time after time you complain & then things unfold & / or Steve addresses your concern, then you come back happy. Then a new issue arises & you are angry again. There are a few others on this board that act the same way, but you're the most vocal.
So things are delayed a few days. Life goes on. Do you really think Steve would say its a good report if it wasn't? Do you really think they'd have this big public meeting planned in 2 weeks just so they can look bad?
Anything is possible...and maybe the stock price will continue to languish, but I continue to believe in this story. A story that is still in the very early stages.
It will take very little to get this back over 1 cent. Very little, in fact, to get it over 2 cents.
At 2 cents, I believe you & many others here would be singing a different song.
I suspect 2 cents is closer than many people think.