Hi questions! Nice to see you here!!
Certainly not a good day for longs or holders...but great day for flippers or buyers!!
I wouldn't read too much into an extension -- even that Steve knew it would happen. Sure, maybe he did. Then again, maybe he didn't. Generally, companies have these extensions ready to go, to file at a moment's notice, just in case. 10-Ks are filed late all the time -- especially when the audit firm is on the smallish side, though big firms do it too. These guys are probably still knocking out people's tax returns! I just want to see the numbers. That's it. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
PNCH can take a dump, then shoot right back up in a matter of days, or minutes! We've been down before. We'll rise again.
Only two days count...I've already bought and I'm not yet selling!