Indeed. I am once again back to holding. I took massive advantage of the cheap prices recently between .001 and .002, accumulating large blocks, nearly doubling my position in RFMK. At current prices, the market is not even close to properly valuing the stock and the company. The inventory valuation of the CannaCigs alone get the pps back to over the 200 day moving average of about .003, and that is not even considering a market multiple or consulting revs, Bionic inventory and revs, or any other potential value in the form of distrubtion agreements, royalties, etc.
In my personal opinion, I think for now, with no info from current financials or disclosure filings, but while knowing management is working on certain goals which will bring massive shareholder value in the near future, the current share price should be somewhere in the half a cent range (.005), so according to my assumptions and valuations, the stock is trading at a 50% discount to fair value. I think 1 cent now would be slightly over fair value, but it all depends on the trading and investor interest and stock exposure. Over time as the shares get bought up and held by individuals and firms, as long as dilution does not continue, the float will shrink and the competition for shares in the marketplace will increase and the share price will sky rocket. Even without multiple expansion, after management is successful with goals such as OTCBB uplist, filings and growing revenues via multiple distributors selling the CannaCig, then the fair valuation should probably move much higher by end of year, in my opinion. I would think by then a proper fair price for shares would be over 2 cents a share, and with expanding multiples, the share price could easily see a nickel or a dime per share by the end of the year, especially if the stock is then trading on the OTCBB.