$AXXU A.I.R. Axxess Interlock Reporting
What AIR™ does
Just like computers, interlocks are made up of hardware (the device) and software. Every time a person starts his/her car, a log is created and stored in the interlock’s system. The logs are then aggregated per user to generate court-mandated reports, thus ensuring compliance, or lack thereof. How the data is collected, the integrity of the data, the report output, and how the reports are transmitted to the courts, varies widely in the U.S. and cost taxpayers untold millions in wasted manpower and inefficiency.
Developed and patented by Michael Roth, a retired Arizona city court judge, AIR currently processes over 48,000 data logs annually – and rapidly growing - to courts, probation offices and state agencies on behalf of interlock distributors and manufacturers. As a criminal attorney and criminal court judge, Mr. Roth has seen firsthand how erroneous data presented to the courts can cause millions of dollars in wasted time and resources, in addition to damaged lives and loss of productivity.
What Makes AIR Different
The Company’s superior differentiation falls into two camps: data integrity and business model transformation. Regarding data integrity:
1. AIR is the only data delivery system that conforms to the federal rules of evidence.
T his patented application cannot be duplicated by competitors.
2. With AIR’s password and encryption protection, there is no risk of tampering or modification of evidence. Just as people turned back odometers in their cars, interlock users are often able to either disable the devices or manipulate their output.
The second differentiator is that AIR transforms the business models of distributors and manufacturers into recurring revenue service providers instead of simple hardware resellers – and provides opportunities for them to promote their businesses.
• Log processing to the states | • Service locator • Smartphone app • Calendaring system • Interlock Device Inventory Management System |
The Interlock Market
The efficacy of the use of interlocks in terms of safety and recidivism cannot be disputed. States like Arizona and New Mexico long ago adopted the use of the interlock and have seen a 45% decrease in the number of alcohol-related fatalities since the implementation of this technology, and the U.S. currently has approximately 280,000 ignition interlock users. In addition, the $1.4 billion Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, signed in July of 2012, has a provision in it that makes millions of dollars available for each state that requires an ignition interlock device on all alcohol related offenses. Furthermore, studies show that:
• Interlocks reduce DWI |