you dont think a PR with a major organization will boost the pps? A fortune 500 company doing business with HLNT will be huge. Not only will it be revenue producing, it will show all other mid size businesses that we are for real. Even more large businesses too. No way a fortune 500 company would do business with a company like HLNT without doing their homework. If get news of something like that, all the bashers and naysayers will feel real dumb. There is nothign they can say if a company of that stature has a relationship with HLNT. They can try to twist it around all they want which they will, but who are you going to trust, a company like Tyson, or PD? Me, i woudl trust the judgement of a fortune 500 company who knows how to do business. Not some idiot with open ended negative arguments.
This is all IMO of course! ha