It can be a lot of things Rob. Remember that we are now not current as before, we have a "yield sign" meaning that we can't rely on any information about the share structure till the new verified information comes out.
I read there are notes due to be paid to Matt that can be converted to shares.
There are people who are helping Matt selling preferred's-is this service rendered for free just for the love of the company?
If the people who attended the CC signed an NDA not to sell for 30 days- wouldn't it be more logical to sign not to buy instead because they have insider information. Not to sell can be explained that nothing will not be happen before 30 day!! How can selling at this disasterous price considered a privilage for insider information??
I can go on but people get angry here from any kind of a discussion.
Why he let his company go to "yield"-to save 8K ?
Why did he release a ballot stuff if he is not going to follow up?-doesn't he know that this stuff hurts his credibility in the market and affect all of us?if he is going to delay or change plans, we should know.
What we are in is not due to anyone other than the inconsistency of performance and this needs to be changed immediately because this lull is what hurts the price!!