I figured it may take a few days to catch his breath and reunite with family -etc he will probably move into a new abode in the San Diego area for 1st 6 months- in these 1st few days also-
settlement w sec for 2010 promo may have been delayed by the unexpected vacation-which took everybody to my knowledge by surprise as the deal looked to be fashioned as probation-which would be typical in such a case---- sec and/or legal has been advising as little contact as possible no doubt -partly due to regs- since they know they are under the sec microscope until settlement for the Mar 2010 no shares issued no gain promo -so legal dept-which is always conservative, has been advising to keep everything on the down low until sec settlement of Mar 2010 no shares issued no gain promo- hopefully that settlement can be rapidly finished now-its not a difficult case as cases go imo
but that doesnt interfere w pics as long as such pics are available for observation by all investors-and we continued to receive a lot of pics last june and july before other matters completely absorbed his attention- so hopefully Bob will guide them to take new pics for us-if legal dept doesnt block that also, due to Geo matter-as far as I'm concerned Geo can find out almost anything they want via the discovery process-so that technically should not be a huge roadblock -but legal may have other ideas on that also
imo a politically motivated govt entity has been dragging this out-they reportedly allegedly received anti business politically motivated orders I'm guessing late 2009 to target these low priced pennies for elimination-thus the 3 ring circus by apparently greenlighted dtcc/otc/brokers etc targeting thousands of these under 1 cent pennies- so an alleged reported settlement of Aug 2011 (as posted by somebody ca june 2012) was reopened last spring-which threw a monkey wrench into plans to proceed w certain things-once the settlement for the Mar 2010 no gain promo is finished that should greenlight CWRN to move forward on most fronts-including publishing financials,upgrading to current and or uplisting to OTCBB as an SEC reporting co