EY, just want to throw in my two cents, even though you don't care for them
you pointed out "It is good to hear that the CEO has no intentions of executing any reverse splits"
Now I've been trading pennies for a long time, and you seem you have been trading just as long.? My question to you is purly question and in no way meant as speculation.
But, how many penny CEOs have you heard say that same line then turn around and still RS?? For me, probably upwards of 90%.? Out of that 90% I would say 50% of the CEOs PRd that the reason they decided to do the RS was to capture financing that agreed if?the company shrunk?the SS down.? Alot of these "Equity" financers also promise funding if the company uplists.? Out of that 90% I would say .01% actually worked out.? CEO usually says it's for the shareholders benefit and you know a RS is 99.999999998% BAD for the shareholder.
just purely a hypothetical question as I have seen countless CEOs mention they will never RS and quite frankly, when he said that, it scares me.? Somtimes they use that line to intice more buying....? just saying.
Tom could prove me wrong but his track record right now is very bleak.....
What do ya' think?