If we have a successful Kevetrin PH1, don't you feel that will have to also include certified efficacy in regards to p21 markers and tumor reduction? Thus, I think we are in a PH1/2 trial and if we get efficacy via tumor reduction and the safety issue turns out as positive as we are led to believe Kevetrin will show, then how much risk compared to most other drugs do you see for PH3? IMO if we hit all the secondary endpoints of the current protocol and a high MTD then Kevetrin is pretty much assured of doing great in PH3 as it is safe and works. No real need for a PH2.
The entire tone of your posts have changed in just the last few days. Is there some news or drastic change of opinion regarding the chances of K/P to succeed in trials that has caused this or have you just become more conservative in your expected outcome for CTIX?
My very optimistic posts I don't consider pumping as I firmly believe this is where we are headed. I can understand those holding vastly different views and like hearing them so as to be able to challenge my own views and make them stronger or make a change for a reason those with a more conservative outlook point out.