On December 9, 2012, Sierra Resource Group, Inc. placed information on its website (www.sierragroupinc.com) relating to the processing of its application to re-open the Chloride Copper Mine and plan to start operations there. We placed this information under “Latest News” on our website (accessible at www.sierragroupinc.com/category/company-news), at the request of the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) Kingman Field Office. The information included:
• On June 6, 2012, a Community Scoping Meeting was Held at Chloride Town Hall, where residents of Chloride plus special invitees attended, including the head of BLM’s Kingman Field Office. The meeting provided an opportunity to ask questions about the proposed project. The Company’s CEO J. Rod Martin spoke, and Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., the Company’s permitting experts, gave a presentation on the project plan.
• On August 5, 2012, the Company engaged as a Senior Level Consultant Mr. Joseph Sawyer P.E., a Nevada registered professional mining engineer and former mining engineer for SGV Resources.
NOTE: I found this interesting as SGV Resources was a division of Copper Mesa, the previous owner of the mine.
• On September 28, 2012, CDM Smith formally submitted to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality our revised and modified Aquifer Protection Permit; agency comments were received by November 16, 2012.
On November 19th and 20th, 2012, Paul C. Rizzo Associates Inc. met with the BLM Kingman Field Office to define the permitting schedule and review agency comments to the Company’s Mining Plan of Operation (“MPO”).
• On December 1, 2012, the Company submitted its revised MPO to BLM.
• On December 8, 2012, the Company submitted another revision to the MPO to BLM.
Read more: http://www.faqs.org/sec-filings/121213/SIERRA...z2Okcuw1ry