Very interesting, todays action the lowest level of shorting we have witnessed to date.
Only 0.1% of the volume consisted of short sales. Perhaps the PPS has fallen so low, at this point it does not offer very good prospects on the short side. As in all stocks with a scarcity of buyers, over time the sellers exhaust their shares and the volume and activity dry up to the point where the flippers do not have enough liquidity to really make enough money each day to warrant the risk. IMO this kind of dynamic in a stock can offer attractive buying opportunities if done little by little over a long period of time, which is exactly what the manipulators and market players do NOT want you to do. It seems their tactics are all played-out here. Oh well, buh bye, good riddance, better luck next time. Perhaps currencies would offer better flipping prospects.
Do or do not, there is no try.