(Total Views: 289)
Posted On: 01/12/2024 12:20:30 PM
Post# of 8095

I loved seeing the entirety of all the images. A lot of work went into creating those. To what end is the obvious question involving who, what, where, when, how and w/ whom. In my mind the last, w/ whom, is the most important and the most impenetrable; inestimable & opaque.
Much ado has been made over the alleged miscalculation of not paying maintenance fees to the patent office in support of our patent. It's been 2+ years and still no movement nor any resolution. Lots of questions surround the ongoing non-event. The presumed danger is that some entity could pay the fees and 'own' the patent, make and market a device. Thusly spelling doom for BIEL and Actipatch; the unspoken 'it'. Is that even possible? I don't know. The intricacies of patent law are obscure, to say the least. Online searches I've done to try to gain some clarity, w/ varying search criteria, have been fruitless and frustrating. Patience is not my forte.
In all of this hubbub something is missing. Since it has not happened, the 'it' scenario, the question is why not? Why hasn't some deep-pocketed business entity done this very thing? It seems like a no-brainer; easy pickings. Has this technology become the poisoned fruit; an untouchable? Or ‘hands off’ b/c of some unwritten, yet very real, understanding between the principle players, whomever they may be? Again, how can one determine if it has become an untouchable? There are no witnesses, as such, and besides witnesses are notoriously unreliable and yet our system of (so-called) justice is based on that. Your opinion is dismissed; … just the facts, ma’am. Connecting-the-dots is oftentimes not a viable prosecutorial strategy. The manifestation of the actual event, all evidence points to … it happened … , the occurrence thereof is construed as merely conspiratorial, the heretofore-already-invalidated, ‘connecting-the-dots’.
Healing via electrical impulses is NOT new technology. It has been practiced nearly a hundred years ago, in the 1920s. Right about the same time is the birth date of Big Pharma. The plan, an actual conspiracy really, was to eliminate all other forms of medical practice, whether efficacious or not, whether cost effective or not, whether popular or not, to promote allopathic medicine based on petroleum. Medical schools and the creation of the AMA follow similar paths. The founder of the AMA was actual quack. Can’t make this stuff up. The plan was ruthlessly carried out and came to be known as Allopathic medicine; basically surgery and drugs, little else. All the whiz-bang, new fangled electroceutical stuff coming out is a re-hash of medicine long forgotten and buried, only to be “re-invented” w/ a new twist. Voila! Great advances in medicine. Whoo-hoo!
Remember when the FDA rejected full clearance b/c the device worked better for one gender vs the other? Classic ‘slow roll’ strategy to create the impression they, the FDA, is looking out the for patient. Big Pharma supplies the lion share of their budget. He who pays the piper, calls the tune. The FDA accepts medical studies for approval validation from 3rd parties majority-funded by the very same company seeking approval for their latest poison. Still think the FDA is your friend? Not a chance. The FDA is the creation of big pharma to give an imprimatur of legitimacy for their dreadful concoctions. We, BIEL, represent the very thing the Rockefeller (nee Rockkenfelder) Foundation has ruthlessly (fraud, bankruptcy, murder, blackmail, extortion, etc., you name it, they did it) fought long and hard to eradicate back in the 1920s. Do your homework. Easy to do. Your ignorance is their greatest weapon.
KT Tape is in nearly every locker room from here to Timbuktu; and is familiar to every trainer and coach from middle school sports to the pros, everyone. I know they, KT, has made the transition from the ridiculous 250 hr device presented at a premium price to a more reasonable and sane price point for a 720 hr device now on sale in Ireland and the UK, if I am to believe other posts. All I can say is ‘what the << Fu … #$%9)*^%@#$%^&**^^%$$ >> were you thinking to begin with??? Mea Culpa, they plead, we made a mistake. Did you now?! And how much do you get paid? From KT or someone else to be the cutout; the babbling advertising exec who feigns ignorance. No witnesses here but lots of manifestation of questionable activity. And why only Ireland and UK? Another example of a ‘slow roll’?
This is only background and provides little data from which to move forward. Therein lies the conundrum. I believe I mentioned in another post that the non-payment of the patent maintenance fees was part of a strategy. A guess on my part, an opinion, that’s all. I don’t think CEO Kelly ‘forgot’ to do it. I still believe this. There are no random events and/or accidents and/or coincidences. History has proven that time and time again. The commonly portrayed and easily digestible history is mostly a bald-faced lie, elaborate and deep-rooted deceptions on a grand scale. The bullshit is deep. Many of you will cast stones in my direction. Oh please … as if you’re the first. You will make no dent at all. Your accusations are childishly preposterous. A tiny bit of research is needed. My greatest weapon is critical thought and an open mind. Both in short supply w/in the general population. Hilariously, and ironically, these very same attributes will be claimed by the very idiots who wish to denigrate and humiliate. The joke is on you, no one else. Once you awake, you don’t go back to sleep.
Actipatch & RecoveryRx, BIEL, is the antidote to allopathic medicine. We are THE threat. KT Tape could’ve easily propelled us into the stratosphere in terms of popularity and widespread use. Post Olympics marketing fell off the cliff; non-existent mostly. Don’t think big pharma didn’t take notice when the original agreement was made public. They did. Big pharma does their homework. Do you? Their dirty fingers are in every pie and nothing escapes them. They did the analysis of KT Tape’s range and potentially blockbuster effect in making ActiPatch, and by extension RecoveryRx, into the de facto standard-of-care in the sports world. The young people of the world idolize the sports world. If athletes swear by it, you can bet the baby’s milk money, everyone else will, too. We, BIEL, are the tipping point. How long we can be held back is anyone’s guess. Our online presence is a good one and will produce results. Grassroots support is solid but tediously slow.
I believe someone, or something, is watching our back. The “w/ whom” from the 1st paragraph. The No-Pain Act is a potential (probable?) game-changer. Is 2024 the year it will happen to reveal all? I wish I knew but I do hope so. The geo-political situation is not helping. Same advice; do your homework. All is not as it seems. A conundrum wrapped inside an enigma camouflaged w/in a 4-D puzzle. Military, Media, and Money - all controlled by the same false idols. Be at peace w/ Him.
"Sic parvis magma" - Greatness from small beginnings
All the best, WBeacham
Much ado has been made over the alleged miscalculation of not paying maintenance fees to the patent office in support of our patent. It's been 2+ years and still no movement nor any resolution. Lots of questions surround the ongoing non-event. The presumed danger is that some entity could pay the fees and 'own' the patent, make and market a device. Thusly spelling doom for BIEL and Actipatch; the unspoken 'it'. Is that even possible? I don't know. The intricacies of patent law are obscure, to say the least. Online searches I've done to try to gain some clarity, w/ varying search criteria, have been fruitless and frustrating. Patience is not my forte.
In all of this hubbub something is missing. Since it has not happened, the 'it' scenario, the question is why not? Why hasn't some deep-pocketed business entity done this very thing? It seems like a no-brainer; easy pickings. Has this technology become the poisoned fruit; an untouchable? Or ‘hands off’ b/c of some unwritten, yet very real, understanding between the principle players, whomever they may be? Again, how can one determine if it has become an untouchable? There are no witnesses, as such, and besides witnesses are notoriously unreliable and yet our system of (so-called) justice is based on that. Your opinion is dismissed; … just the facts, ma’am. Connecting-the-dots is oftentimes not a viable prosecutorial strategy. The manifestation of the actual event, all evidence points to … it happened … , the occurrence thereof is construed as merely conspiratorial, the heretofore-already-invalidated, ‘connecting-the-dots’.
Healing via electrical impulses is NOT new technology. It has been practiced nearly a hundred years ago, in the 1920s. Right about the same time is the birth date of Big Pharma. The plan, an actual conspiracy really, was to eliminate all other forms of medical practice, whether efficacious or not, whether cost effective or not, whether popular or not, to promote allopathic medicine based on petroleum. Medical schools and the creation of the AMA follow similar paths. The founder of the AMA was actual quack. Can’t make this stuff up. The plan was ruthlessly carried out and came to be known as Allopathic medicine; basically surgery and drugs, little else. All the whiz-bang, new fangled electroceutical stuff coming out is a re-hash of medicine long forgotten and buried, only to be “re-invented” w/ a new twist. Voila! Great advances in medicine. Whoo-hoo!
Remember when the FDA rejected full clearance b/c the device worked better for one gender vs the other? Classic ‘slow roll’ strategy to create the impression they, the FDA, is looking out the for patient. Big Pharma supplies the lion share of their budget. He who pays the piper, calls the tune. The FDA accepts medical studies for approval validation from 3rd parties majority-funded by the very same company seeking approval for their latest poison. Still think the FDA is your friend? Not a chance. The FDA is the creation of big pharma to give an imprimatur of legitimacy for their dreadful concoctions. We, BIEL, represent the very thing the Rockefeller (nee Rockkenfelder) Foundation has ruthlessly (fraud, bankruptcy, murder, blackmail, extortion, etc., you name it, they did it) fought long and hard to eradicate back in the 1920s. Do your homework. Easy to do. Your ignorance is their greatest weapon.
KT Tape is in nearly every locker room from here to Timbuktu; and is familiar to every trainer and coach from middle school sports to the pros, everyone. I know they, KT, has made the transition from the ridiculous 250 hr device presented at a premium price to a more reasonable and sane price point for a 720 hr device now on sale in Ireland and the UK, if I am to believe other posts. All I can say is ‘what the << Fu … #$%9)*^%@#$%^&**^^%$$ >> were you thinking to begin with??? Mea Culpa, they plead, we made a mistake. Did you now?! And how much do you get paid? From KT or someone else to be the cutout; the babbling advertising exec who feigns ignorance. No witnesses here but lots of manifestation of questionable activity. And why only Ireland and UK? Another example of a ‘slow roll’?
This is only background and provides little data from which to move forward. Therein lies the conundrum. I believe I mentioned in another post that the non-payment of the patent maintenance fees was part of a strategy. A guess on my part, an opinion, that’s all. I don’t think CEO Kelly ‘forgot’ to do it. I still believe this. There are no random events and/or accidents and/or coincidences. History has proven that time and time again. The commonly portrayed and easily digestible history is mostly a bald-faced lie, elaborate and deep-rooted deceptions on a grand scale. The bullshit is deep. Many of you will cast stones in my direction. Oh please … as if you’re the first. You will make no dent at all. Your accusations are childishly preposterous. A tiny bit of research is needed. My greatest weapon is critical thought and an open mind. Both in short supply w/in the general population. Hilariously, and ironically, these very same attributes will be claimed by the very idiots who wish to denigrate and humiliate. The joke is on you, no one else. Once you awake, you don’t go back to sleep.
Actipatch & RecoveryRx, BIEL, is the antidote to allopathic medicine. We are THE threat. KT Tape could’ve easily propelled us into the stratosphere in terms of popularity and widespread use. Post Olympics marketing fell off the cliff; non-existent mostly. Don’t think big pharma didn’t take notice when the original agreement was made public. They did. Big pharma does their homework. Do you? Their dirty fingers are in every pie and nothing escapes them. They did the analysis of KT Tape’s range and potentially blockbuster effect in making ActiPatch, and by extension RecoveryRx, into the de facto standard-of-care in the sports world. The young people of the world idolize the sports world. If athletes swear by it, you can bet the baby’s milk money, everyone else will, too. We, BIEL, are the tipping point. How long we can be held back is anyone’s guess. Our online presence is a good one and will produce results. Grassroots support is solid but tediously slow.
I believe someone, or something, is watching our back. The “w/ whom” from the 1st paragraph. The No-Pain Act is a potential (probable?) game-changer. Is 2024 the year it will happen to reveal all? I wish I knew but I do hope so. The geo-political situation is not helping. Same advice; do your homework. All is not as it seems. A conundrum wrapped inside an enigma camouflaged w/in a 4-D puzzle. Military, Media, and Money - all controlled by the same false idols. Be at peace w/ Him.
"Sic parvis magma" - Greatness from small beginnings
All the best, WBeacham

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