"take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning..." lol... You make good points Drano, and I agree: because of Leo's interview with Karin and his delight about early P21 testing, expectations have been set for "some indication," which may in fact be "too early."
And it doesn't matter that Leo says "no lose situation" because the OTC will absolutely screw the PPS (lower) if there is "no indication at this low dose" OR if there is NO PR, ala what Gratefullife just said.
But in the long run? Like June/July and onward? I still believe we are absolutely golden, at least until proven otherwise.
The next few weeks will be the hardest... I am trying to chill and do research on what the threshold might be for indications of P21 activation. This period is a good time for distraction of whatever type.
Oh, and did I mention that I like your humor? I hear it works really well in activating frustration tolerance. Just ask Jeff.