Extremely low volume today though, probably because of the holiday. I think as long as the retail powder remains weak (only trading 1/10% of the total shares, etc) and cannot forcibly push the MM asks up, the MMs will keep it just below the 200 day moving average until larger buy volume comes in. If the buying pressure remained where it is now and they just let it get bid up or crushed at will by any measly trades of 100k or 50k shares, the pps would be all over the place every day, moving up hundreds of percentage points and then down 50%+, etc. The pps percentage moves mean absolutely nothing for such a penny stock like RFMK right now because the O/S is gigantic and the average number of shares traded intraday is ludicrously small in comparison, not to mention the daily pps manipulation by the MMs so they can make their lunch money for the day.
I am looking forward to the eventual listing on the OTCBB, greater volumes, funding and a lesser sized O/S along with filings showing real revenues. I still think, as I have always thought, that DISCLOSURE and FINANCIAL FILINGS are the key for investors! No shareholder or any investor interested in becoming a shareholder can possibly calculate their own fair value for the stock or company without filings for a whole half of a year. I realize it is another pink sheets non-reporting company but with the CEO pounding the table about disclosure/filings, turning the organization into a "real" company, one would think that posting recent filings to get current status with the OTC markets would be the first priority for management right now. It takes time and money, blah blah blah, while the official audit is happening management could still type up a .pdf filing of the current balance sheet and submit it online to OTC markets, it actually does NOT take much time effort or money. Get 'r done, folks.