Since I was one of the main high PPS posters on IHUB, I do want everyone to realize the question asked was what the possible top end of CTIX might be. I did say $250-400 pps but also that what it could be worth and what would be paid in a buyout by big pharma were two different animals.
I have no qualms saying the potential, assuming Kevetrin and Prurisol and maybe a couple of the other drugs in the pipeline are completely successful, for CTIX could be $400+. The basis for this IMO is the ability for both K and P to be great combinators and result in many, many new drugs, each of which would bring in steady streams of revenue and the total of which could be easily over $20B per year.
Will it get there? Most likely not as IMO we get sold before all the potential becomes a reality. But I do believe the PPS has almost no chance to surprise to the downside should K and P prove successful, but that the surprise to the upside is almost a given and to a major degree from the paltry $100-$150 per share being bandied about over the last couple of months.
I don't mind sticking my neck out and chance looking like a total jackass, I believe with Leo at the helm that when we do prove successful at trials later this year for both K and P that Leo will make the sale of CTIX the crown in his business career and thus will surprise with what he will require be ponied up to buy us out.
As a further item that many will find amusing, I threw out the thought that in thinking outside the box, I suggested the govt buy K for $50BB. They would dramatically cut their Medicare costs, make a mint selling it to foreign companies/countries/etc, make the patent indefinite, etc. Would be a hell of a good way to spend $50BB compared to the many cockamammied ideas they come up with now, ensure everyone could afford K at a reasonable price, and help balance the budget. Possible -No but I still enjoy coming up with such weird ideas.