There is plenty of room at the mine-ca 1 square mile- And I'm guessing thats just for N Baja-I dont like the Mex mapping system and nobody has ever answered my questions re the size.
nobody said they were holding back for higher prices at this time. Clearly the reason for not trucking and or selling more has been as noted AT GREAT LENGTH by the June 25 PR-the largest in volume and first subject of the PR.
Nobody could predict the never before seen unparalleled bizarre Mexican govt permit gyrations-
I gave an example of 911 which led to only a few days of no airplane travel.
All of planet earths history indicates a govt cancelling permits across an entire sector for months would require a national security emergency and would be plastered all across the media by the puppetmaster controlled "lets a create a culture of fear" "if it bleeds it leads" media.
Also a usual detractor of cwrns never posted any proof of such cancellation-which in itself was strong circumstantial evidence there was no such cancellation- from the purveyor of "everybody knows there is no ore in Baja" and scores of reasons why CWRN would never ship an ounce.
Our not knowing of the bizarre Mex govt permit gyrations also proves another point -no insider knowledge-the constant threat-even of litigation-that those who sacrificially volunteer their time to keep things honest in this penny culture of fear receive for their troubles as thanks for thousands of hours which I surely dont have to waste and by default-
and those who are retroactively saying I told you so re # of ships etc are opportunistically playing a ridiculous game-they and their sources had no knowledge of the unforeseen bizarre permit gyrations either
The stock was already the most undervalued penny play-and nobody has been able to say otherwise despite my outstanding challenge to do so. Bashers attempts to do so have been pathetic- pointing out stocks w negative income.
I have also pointed out at length that their ability to truck more until the Qin Hai picked up 43800 tons was limited by the large amount of ore at the port and the huge similarly large pile of scrap iron next to CWRN's ore in March pics. So they havent been holding back -they have been at the mercy of the bizarre never before seen permit games.
And they are continuously mining as the June 25 PR AGAIN reiterated.
Also there are no port storage fees because the govt cant charge for a situation which it created.
Also no need to worry about web site being down for updating -which was long overdue-and longs had been asking for that updating for a long time.
If has most likely been outsourced if you look at logic and what I've posted before and what bingo has said -so they are at the mercy of the independent entity contracted to update-and if they do it right a very large portion of the site would have to be updated -would be easier to just start from scratch -which they may be doing-these things dont happen on a microwave timetable (unless you give the website entity a large kickback)-Geo's website has been down for months.
and hopefully they will post all pics since last posting of pics
and if we get really lucky they will post financials(both on website and otc) to help ease broker restrictions while we wait for uplisting-because many of us cant trade this except for a 1 time sell due to such restrictions.