THCBiz article (recent RFMK press release) with images of the new "Dry Herb" vaporizer.
"In addition, we have begun negotiations with other vaporizer companies to explore ways of working through joint marketing agreements."
"We still are expecting delivery of 2500 more CANNAcig and Cumulus units in the next month..."
"As soon as we are fully reporting, we will have the capital to expand and broaden Rapid Fire Marketing’s business significantly,” Allinder concluded."
"We are very excited to finally be able to offer an innovative vaporizer unit that Rapid Fire Marketing will own and market exclusively."
Hmmmm... a disturbance in the force I sense, or perhaps, a disruption in the competitive balance of the ecig market, should I say.
In my opinion, it continues to be very difficult to impossible to be convinced by those who adamantly accuse the CEO of being a fraudster that the company is a scam and that Allinder is somehow just spewing lies in press release after press release in order to scam investors. The problem with the bashers argument is that if they are right, which I seriously doubt, then it would mean that Allinder would be knowingly and purposefully putting himself in legal problems and the SEC likely resulting in jail time via outright claims of getting "fully reporting", etc. It makes no sense whatsoever that a respectable CEO with a stellar military background would knowlingly lie to the public and purposefully put himself in a legal bind by making false statements time and again which are against the law. Such are the arguments on which the bashers pound the table each and every day, and IMO, it does not pass the smell test , otherwise known as, " muster ".