Salty you could sail on by here and bring us back some good coffee.
Costa Rica and Coffee
Costa Rica possesses an ideal environment for growing coffee, especially the region overlooking the Tarrazu River, known for its superior coffee beans. The mountainous terrain, rich volcanic soil, ideal climate and adequate rainfall of the Costa Rica Tarrazu region all contribute to a superb specialty coffee . Costa Rican coffee is generally known for its mildness, balance, and bright acidity.
History of Coffee in Costa Rica
The coffee industry in Costa Rica followed a very different path than that of neighboring countries. In other parts of Latin America, large coffee plantations were common, owned by proprietors who did not actually work on their estates or spend much time there. In contrast, Costa Rican coffee farms tended to be smaller, tended by proprietors who both lived and worked on their land. The lack of labor compared to other countries led to a focus on quality over quantity.
Although the excellent quality of coffee from this area was quickly recognized, the direction of the industry was dominated for some time by a focus on brands created by the large mills which processed coffee. The recent focus on estate and single origin coffees, however, has benefited the individual farmers and elevated the quality and craftsmanship of coffee in Costa Rica.
Our Costa Rican Tarrazu Coffee
Bill McAlpin’s focus on excellent cultivation and processing has made our "Hacienda La Minita" of the Tarrazu region famous. A very fine cup of Costa Rican Tarrazu coffee, characterized by its full body, sweet aroma, and great acidity that makes it finish cleanly on the palate.