What you have done here is present yourself as ‘yuggibeht’ which is ‘thebigguy’ spelled backwards…using the same avatar pictures as ‘thebigguy’…saying you have conversations with ‘thebigguy’…constantly giving people here investing, business, and technical advice…while generally not sounding very competent or even of sound mind. Please forgive me, but it’s hard to perceive you as a healthy adult, let alone someone with all the expertise you claim.
I know that what I just wrote is a bit harsh. Lest anyone gloat or snicker over my words to yuggibeht, I have some more words for the entire board. CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!!!
This board has become a food fight at dinner for the ‘Lost Boys Club’. Clean up your mess before I have to. Virtually everyone here is familiar with the rules. While this board is FOR the investors, and to have some fun with, an improvement in decorum is in order. If this post looks like it was meant for you, it probably is. Just do it.