I agree with you that Mr. Allinder did at least accomplish getting the CannaCig and The Cumulus to market. However, he provided a tremendous amount of very mis-leading information surrounding the releases of the products. Orders going out, timing coming in, contracts with distributors, etc., etc.
Mr. Allinder has been "touting" RFMK's materialization of real revenues from the day he took over as CEO, and RFMK shareholders have yet to see or even hear,( other than "Operationally Self Sustaining") of any real, substantial, and most importantly.. profitable sales of RFMK products.
The whole kicker for most should have been in how Mr. Allinder aligned himself with a "Known" insider enrichment con in Brent Fouch. I wouldn't be surprised at all to hear that Mr. Fouch's pockets aren't continuing to be lined in some way by RFMK to this day.
I had a "Huge" problem with how Mr. Amezquita was compensated as well. How can people justify ongoing support for individuals making a living off of other people's hard earned money without those same individuals giving back anything of value in return???
These people can't do what they do if folks would just stop "buying" their shares...
Have a Great Weekend everybody.. yes.. you too Hector
All just my opinions of course.