Posted On: 03/22/2013 3:03:29 PM
Post# of 35875

$HEMP **NEWS** BRUCE PERLOWIN to create 500 acre community in Arizona.
News for 'HEMP' - (Hemp, Inc.'s CEO, Bruce Perlowin, Announces Plan to Create a 500-Acre Kins Domain Community in Arizona)
LAS VEGAS, March 22, 2013 / PRNewswire via COMTEX / -- Spread Peace Radio
featured renowned philanthropist and leader in the industrial hemp industry,
Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP), on his plans to fund and build a
500-acre Kins Domain in Arizona.
During the talk radio interview, broadcasted last week, Perlowin enlightened
listeners on what initially inspired him to create self-sustainable communities
and the social-economic benefits Kins Domains provide. Inspired by the book
series "The Ringing Cedars Of Russia," this 500-acre Kins Domain "Project"
encompasses one 2 1/2 acre (one hectare) lot, surrounded by a living fence,
trees (2/3), a pond, organic gardens and fruit trees, a natural beehive, a
family tree that stays on the Kins Domain for future generations and an
all-green home to create a high frequency, natural energy microclimate.
Completely sustainable and off-the-grid, Perlowin's 500-acre Kins Domain
Community is set to use the latest technologies for windmill, solar and water
wheel tower power and the best sustainably harvested wood provided exclusively
by NorthCal wood products.
Perlowin has also enlisted Frank Vanvranken, President/CEO of North Cal and
Dwight Jory, a real estate developer (Gold Mountain Ranch) and Director with
Keepers of the Wild, a wild life sanctuary for large cats and big-hoofed
animals, that is planning an 1,800 wildlife sanctuary on 4,000 acres adjacent to
the 500 acres.
Frank Vanvranken's (SIC) company, NorthCal Wood Products, is a premier reclaimed
woods company that offers a large selection of recycled woods. Their specialty
woods include reclaimed Redwood, Douglas Fir, and Western Red Cedar. Moreover,
Dwight Jory has spent years researching the latest technologies in the
construction and utility fields and brings to the table the resources and
ability to assist in building a quality, durable, and sustainable living
community in this pristine environment.
Intrigued listeners to the radio interview were curious as to how they could
build a Kins Domain which led to another one of Perlowin's projects - the
"Benefactors Of Humanity" ( ). Here, anyone can
watch a series of videos to become educated on Kins Domains, permaculture and
other related projects and create an income in part by manufacturing hemp
products for Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) such as the "Hidden Treasures Hemp Gemstone
Candles" which are sold by Hemp, Inc. and a fundraiser for Patch Adams "Project"
building a free hospital in West Virginia ( ).
Perlowin has indeed "Reversed Engineered The Economics Of Education." Perlowin
said, "I am the funding mechanism for people who are going to change world." The
vehicle used? iWowWe... a network marketing company whereby affiliates can
create a residual income. Perlowin, and groups of other investors, have already
invested and plan to buy 5,000 positions a month to benefactor people in or "Pay
It Forward" with the ultimate goal for people to "live their life totally
unencumbered by economics" while allowing to live a life driven by their
personal passions." In fact, the "Benefactors of Humanity" has spread like
wildfire with many other Benefactors besides Perlowin. Learn more about the
"Benefactors of Humanity" and how to help fund their various "Projects." See
"Projects" and "Songs."
Bruce Perlowin's 500-acre Kins Domain Community will also be a free home for
veterans as part of the "new economic paradigm" and there are also plans for a
Patch Adams free hospital. Set to change the world and heal the planet,
Perlowin's "Quantum Economic" leap into 2013 is already proving to be quite a
success and is laying a strong foundation toward solving some of the world's
socio-economic problems such as starvation, homelessness, veteran issues,
underpaid teachers, firemen, police (good pay creates good police), and
"Others." At the same time, Perlowin demonstrates that a public company can do
these kinds of acts and make a huge profit at the same time or, according to CEO
Perlowin, "Those who give the most earn the most in a new economic paradigm that
is now operating in the world today."
To listen to the radio interview, click here or visit .
Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) seeks to benefit many constituencies, not exploit or
endanger any group of them. Thus, the publicly-traded company believes in
"upstreaming" of a portion of profit from the marketing of their finished hemp
goods back to its originator. By Hemp, Inc. focusing on comprehensive investment
results--that is, with respect to performance along the interrelated dimensions
of people, planet, and profits--our triple bottom line approach can be an
important tool to support sustainability goals.
phone: 1-877-221-8351email: info@hemp.com
SOURCE Hemp, Inc.

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