Rich - things will only get personal if you want them to. As posted before, we all have a personal life and an investment life. Let's keep them separate. None of us here care what you do or don't do at home, at the restaurant, etc. Vice versa.
But when you come on to a board, naked bashing, things can get heated. Why are you here anyways? Obviously you don't own shares, so it must be for some other reason. What is it?
You don't see any of us over at the PDGO board bashing and screaming to everyone that the company was just marked as Caveat Emptor. We don't start rumors that Todd Violette is a scam artist, hates children and the elderly, and beats his wife. We don't talk about him failing as head of Cormax. We don't talk about PDGO "kool-aid". We don't talk about the fact that the company is diluting, per the CEO. These are all things that don't matter to us because we don't own stock there. We don't care.
Just be civil. If you want to raise some questions and kick around a discussion, then let's have at it. But back up your statements instead of mindless, naked bashing.
We can all be adults here. So let's keep the chatter to business, because we are all here to make money.