Pink Lady
I understand that not everyone could be on the call, certainly being across the pond makes things a bit more difficult for you. Please do not take offense. My initial question was, why do we have all these supporters but very few turned out for the call? I am invested to the point that I am comfortable, and I know that there are many with multiples of the shares I have. Perhaps I am a little old school that I look to invest in a company and like to hold for the long term and let the business plan work it's way out. Many will say never hold penny's for the long term, but those are the same people that miss out on the mega runs when they happen, imo. I'm a shareholder like all the rest, it just confuses me that people will support their stock on a message board, but when there is an opportunity to speak directly with the man in charge, they pass it up. Some have their reasons, but others can post all day long here but can't take the time out of their day to listen to the one directly effecting the investment?
I have been to BCAP headquarters, I have done my DD, I look after my investment, and I too am busy as hell right now. I work ridiculous hours in a very competitive industry, but for an hour plus yesterday, I was pulled onto the side of the road and listened to the call and asked the questions that where on my mind.
I hate to see this board falling apart with all the bickering, we have all put up with a lot over the past several months, only to now start fighting amongst ourselves. Focus is needed now as I feel we are close to breaking the channel we have been in. I won't end this by saying hold tight, good things right around the corner, or anything else that could be considered pumping. We have heard and said it all before.
As Pharaoh said, we need results